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Media Literacy Monthly is an annual educational program designed to help FLEX and YES participants navigate the media landscape. Launched in November, this year’s version saw 206 students register for the six monthly sessions that combine instructional videos, assignments, and live discussions on Zoom. Participants engage with their peers, host families, and American Councils’ staff to analyze and understand various aspects of media literacy, including fact-checking, bias recognition, and implementing their online goals into reality.

The program kicked off with its first session focusing on learning about the First Amendment as it relates to media in the U.S. The second session taught fact-checking skills like reverse-image searching and source identification. The third session investigated cyberbullying while teaching how to distinguish between fact and opinion online. The fourth session prioritized validating information by investigating source credentials. The fifth session identified bias in media and algorithmic manipulations. Finally, the last session discussed brand marketing and SMART goals to use in social media campaigns.

Click here for the full summary